Check out this puppy:
3D giardia model
First, I thought I had the flu, but after suffering through 5 days of diarrhea, ended up seeing my physician, who is in the process of finalizing the diagnosis of giardia.
My symptoms started exactly 10 days after returning from the Great Slush Walk of 2009, consistent with the incubation period for this nasty intestinal parasitic traveler.  Fatigue, 5 pounds of weight loss, no headache, no bleeding, these are all part of the package. I suspect that the untreated, unboiled water that I drank in my last steps exiting from Moosehead Lake was the event that led to this. It was the end of a long grueling 15 mile day of pulling the sleds, and I was parched-dehydrated, after running out of water couple of hours before. Two days of three-times-a-day tablets of metronidazole is finally starting to firm up not only my stools, but my resolve to return to the land of the living.