Ask a Vet About Causes of Diarrhea in Dogs | Giardia
Do you have a dog with sudden or relentless diarrhea? One of the common causes of diarrhea in dogs worldwide, indoor, or outdoor, big dog or teacup princess is caused by a single celled protozoan parasite called Giardia. Giardiasis is an acute or chronic gastrointestinal (GI) tract disease. It is characterized by diarrhea and weight loss in both dogs and cats.
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Giardia may infect dogs and cats. Some types of Giardia can also infect humans. Transmission is by the fecal-oral route, which means that the parasite is swallowed in food and water contaminated with feces. Note, your pet doesnât have to eat feces to get the parasite. Usually the transmission is through contaminated waterâthink puddles, lakes, streams, or water that isnât suited for drinking in some countries.
Giardia in dogs can be asymptomatic, but when signs are present, the most common one is diarrhea that results in the passage of large volumes of watery fecesâthink cow patty consistency. It has a distinct odor to it as well, one that I have become all too familiar with after being in veterinary medicine for over a decade. The color of the stool usually isnât abnormalâif you are seeing grey, green, yellow, or black, youâre probably dealing with another culprit.
Intermittent or chronic diarrhea, weight loss, decreased appetite, and vomiting occur less often. Rarely, acute or chronic large-bowel diarrhea may develop, with increased frequency and straining to defecate and the presence of mucus and red blood in the feces.
So how does one treat this parasite if your dog is diagnosed with it? Easily, and inexpensively, provided your dog isnât so ill that they need IV fluids or hospitalization. The antibiotics used to treat Giardiasis is readily available throughout the world, and many vets will prescribe a dewormer that can be given for five to ten days.
The tricky part is with environmental control and preventing reinfecttion. Pet parents must be vigilant in clearing fecal material from the environment, as repeated exposure to the parasite will cause reinfection. Wash as many areas as possible after removing all organic material, and disinfect the premises with a solution of bleach diluted in water.
If the environment cannot be completely cleaned (for example, some outdoor kennels), remove the animal from that environment. If the infection does not resolve with appropriate medication, bathing, and environmental control, then repeating the medication or administering the meds for a longer period of time (Iâve personally found this to be necessary often), or treating the animal with both antibiotics and anti-parasitic meds may be necessary.
Preventing Giardia in dogs
Dogs should not be allowed to drink from puddles, lakes, streams, or other sources of stagnant water (I know this can be difficult). It may be advisable to treat other animals in the same household while treating the infected, symptomatic pet. There is a vaccine available for Giardia in dogs and cats, but most vets donât recommend it unless your dog/cat is at really high risk or one of those pets that gets it frequently.
Donât forgetâpeople can get Giardia too, so wear gloves when picking up feces and use good hygiene. Iâve seen more than a couple clients get it from their pets. It is easier to ingest one of those little cysts than you might think.
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Tags: cats, dogs, health, Interesting Facts