Symptoms of salmonella infection usually have diarrhea and abdominal pain and cramps salmonella infection is a form of food poisoning and symptoms of these and others tend to develop, within 12 to 72 hours after a person eats or drinks something contaminated with the bacteria salmonella illness can be 4 to 7 days, last. A Salmonellosis is used to describe infections caused by Salmonella bacteria.
Salmonella infection symptoms and causes
Salmonellosis caused symptoms known as general food poisoning, which may include:
Abdominal Cramps and pain diarrhea nausea vomiting fever Chills pain of muscles.
Symptoms will range in intensity from a simple system that is uncomfortable to severe or life-threatening dehydration if the vomiting and diarrhea are constant.
Infection occurs after eating food or drinking beverages that contain bacteria of the genus Salmonella bacteria found in foods from animal sources but can be any contaminated food if food preparation conditions and equipment was contaminated with bacteria.
Aggregations of common infections: raw meats (especially Turkey or chicken), raw eggs, or cracked or raw milk (unpasteurized) not refrigerate foods promptly hand this might help bacteria cultivation. Cooking at high temperatures can kill bacteria.
Reptiles have of a pet, such as salmonella and turtle. Iguana snake or lizard can put people at higher risk.
Salmonella infection Diagnostics and treatment
Initial diagnosis is based on the symptoms mentioned in the previous version. Now if the symptoms are evaluated by a physician is encouraged especially if diarrhea vomiting remain or increase. Assessment may include the examination or blood and stool analysis to detect the presence of the bacteria salmonella local health department may need to be alert to help identify the source (e.g., restaurants, supermarket, etc.).
The illness usually lasts 4 to 7 days, and most people recover fully without treatment. However, in some cases. Diarrhea or vomiting, so severe that hospitalization is necessary.
Treatment that is often highlighted to prevent dehydration and electrolyte imbalance by encouraging (fluid intake for infants and children Pedialyte. Adults may use drink sports) Antidiarrheal. Drugs are typically not defined because it may prolong the infection.
BRAT diet: which stands for banana bread, rice, applesauce, and may reduce the symptoms of diarrhea, because these are binding foods that make warm Compresses may be firmer keys simple abdominal pain.