
Dr Kaya reports No Giardia in bloody stool

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SURVIVAL: Clean water issues

reinkefj wrote 1 week ago: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2013/09/01/survive-anything/ Survive anythingPublished September 01, 2 … more →

Tags: survival, water, Cryptosporidium


sestone519 wrote 2 weeks ago: For the past six weeks, I haven’t been completely sure that I’d be going to National K-9 … more →

Tags: Education, dog, National K-9, DOG TRAINER

So: blue weekend — 12 comments

julie@sowsewso wrote 3 weeks ago: tiny piece of inspiration Hooray! The makeover of the formerly boring beige laundry room is pretty m … more →

Tags: SO, 4G Network, Blue, bold color, Bruce, DIY, Dogs, George, Gidget

The Doodz

laowhynot wrote 3 weeks ago: Photo taken in Xinjiang at Karakul Lake. The doodz I had in Xinjiang caused me to lose 6 lbs. An ups … more →

Tags: Lessons Learned, la duzi, toilet paper, toilet, Chinese bathroom, Dignity, North Korea, Pyongyang


AJ Scouter wrote 1 month ago: There are a lot of myths and truths out there about giardia. Have Scouts learn one fact and one myth … more →

Tags: Camping 2, Boy Scouts of America, First Aid, Myths

Dirtbag backpacking for Dummies

laurelkmiller wrote 1 month ago: Thanks to my Gadling colleague/strip club partner-in-crime Sean McLachlan, for asking me to contribu … more →

Tags: Food, Street Food, Travel, Misc, Drink, Meaty Treats, budget travel, Travel health, backpacking

A southwest journey to find True North – Zion National Park, Day 6

Mr Mike wrote 2 months ago: On the sixth day we saw aliens!  Well maybe not, but we were great at breaking camp by now and enjoy … more →

Tags: Travel, live, learn, backpacking, Camping, Hiking, Road Trip, Southwest, Still Brothers Photography

Pericolele frecventarii piscinelor publice !

centrulsphera wrote 2 months ago: Frecventarea piscinelor publice implica o serie de riscuri pentru sanatate, din pricina numeroaselor … more →

Tags: sanatate, pericol de imbolnavire, piscina, prevenire, Sfaturi, Cryptosporidium

28 days

travelgypsea wrote 2 months ago: 28 is the number of days until my flight for Australia. 4 weeks exactly until I board the plane boun … more →

Tags: Adventures of a ‘Gypsea’, adventure, Travel, Colorado, Australia, Croc, Steve Irwin, drop bear, King Brown

The Enemy: Parasites

CatNap From the Heart wrote 2 months ago: Summer is a great time of year to schedule an appointment with your vet! A routine exam and fecal ar … more →

Tags: General, Medical, Messages from Staff, cat, Guinea Pig, rabbit, Adoption, catnap from the heart, Catnap

Why should I worry about my belly ache?

drsripp wrote 2 months ago: You are having GI type symptoms of diarrhea, gas, bloating, nausea, and cramping.  It may be that th … more →

Tags: leaky gut, gut symptoms, flu symptoms, Parasite, intestinal health, healthy gut, malabsorption

