
Giardia Symptoms Dog

Giardia are tiny living organisms who are determined to make your dog’s life hell. They are protozoan parasites, which means they are simple, single-celled organisms. However, your dog may not experience any symptoms (giardia symptoms dog) because some dogs are carriers of the organisms, and so do not have problems or complications. However, most dogs who get giardia get sick and have giardia symptoms dog.

Like many organisms which spread diseases, Giardia organisms mature over time, going through stages. Although in other diseases, there is a time period between the organisms becoming active from its dormant stage, in giardia the cysts (the inactive form of giardia) open immediately and discharge trophozoite, the mobile form of giardia, upon ingestion. The cysts are inactive when found in faeces or contaminated water and feces. Trophozoites have a flagella (similar to a tail) which helps them to travel through the intestine. In a healthy dog, the trophozoites could live in the intestine for years, causing the dog to become a carrier. These dogs will show no symptoms at all unless their immune system becomes overburdened. If your dog’s immune system is immature or is overburdened when the trophozoites reach the intestines, the trophozoites will just carry on multiplying by the process of dividing and can cause this devastating disease.

Giardia treatment was non-existent, and not much was known about the disease, until an outbreak in the 1990s at a guide dog school caused a veterinarian, Dr. Maggie Fisher, to investigate further. She discovered the dog giardia symptoms and also treatment for them. From the symptoms she had discovered, Dr. Fisher also devised a diagnosis.

Diarrhoea is the foremost symptom you will notice in a giardia-infected dog. Stool (faeces) becomes light-coloured/grey and mucus may be found. The faeces will also be softer and greasy. You may also observe weight loss and fatigue. The dog will appear generally wearier.

Diagnosis is not simple, and involves sending stool samples to your vet for examination and tests. It is unlikely that a vet can diagnose giardia from observation of simples, although these may give him a hunch.

As ever, if you suspect that your dog may have giardia, contact your vet and let them know that your dog is showing giardia symptoms dog. Giardia is not life-threatening, but it is always essential to nip these things in the bud.

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