Multiple clients of mine within the Oxnard and Camarillo area have recently been diagnosed with a disease called Giardia. For many dogs, puppies especially, this disease can cause severe and possibly life threatening issues if not caught early and treated appropriately. Since Giargia is so easily spread from one animal to another and there is the possibility of spreading the disease to humans, proper care and cleaning procedures for your infected animal is essential to preventing the further spread of the disease.
Young puppies who have not finished their 3 sets of puppy vaccines should NOT be brought to dog parks or other unrestricted areas. Even though there is no effective vaccine for Giardia, an infection of Giardia can severely compromise the already delicate immune system of a puppy and cause severe illness and stunted growth due to malnutrition. One of my clients, for example, adopted a dog that had Giardia in utero. The dog barely survived and has since had medical problems and sensitivities his entire life.
When you go to the dog park, be proactive in keeping it clean. Each Meet n Greet I arrive 15-30 minutes early and walk around the entire park with bags picking up poop from careless owners (as well as checking for rattlesnakes or other unsafe areas within the park). Make sure you pick up poop from your dog promptly and never allow your dog to eat the feces of any other animal (rabbits and cats included)
Follow this link giving more information on Giardia from the CDC.
If you have behavioral issues with your dog such as eating feces, excessive or obsessive rolling or eating inanimate objects, or any other behavioral issues, please Contact Us for an evaluation.