
Bloody diarrhea with Zella"s littermate too

Zella got a whole lot better after 3 weeks since we were at the vet’s. There were no more traces of blood in her stool and her bowel movement was very OK.

She was not the only puppy from her litter arriving from the UK, but there were two more of her littermates leaving the breeder, a brother and a sister. These two looked a way bigger than Zella, had a healthier overall look as well.

Well, we got a text message from the owner of Zella’s sister, asking us if we experienced any unpleasant issues with our puppy. It turned out that the sister had exactly the same symptoms: bloody mucusy diarrhea…

Their vet decided to go all the way with tests and samples and got results back telling the owner that her puppy had GIARDIA.

Giardia is a nasty parasite that infects the intestinal tract of dogs and puppies preventing the proper absorption of food causing malnutrition and, potentially, death. It is easy to treat with antibiotics but it may reoccur after a while.

The symptoms of Giardia in puppies include:

  • Loose mucusy stool

  • Blood in stool

  • Diarrhea with blood

I suppose that our Zella also had Giardia then. Well, it does not matter anymore because we never experienced any symptoms of that parasite in her bowels after we added the colostrum supplement to her diet. Zella got better and better day after day. Her coat became thicker and she was just a happy playful puppy :)

